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New Rate and Start Dates

City wide registration is tomorrow evening (September 6), isn’t it crazy that summer is over and we are back in full swing and routines! Some things to know:
City Wide Registration: Estevan TKD will have a table at the registration evening being held at the Leisure centre starting at 5:30 and we will be taking new registrations for all of our programs. If you cannot make it to City wide, we also have registration night at Spruce Ridge School before the start of class on Sept. 10 and 12 beginning at 6:00 pm.
Dobocs (our uniforms): These can be purchased from the club. The minis are not required to have a uniform, but you are welcome to purchase one if you like.
Sparring Gear: White belts are gifted a set of gear when the register for a second session after testing for their Yellow Stripe, so no need to worry about gear. Minis do not need gear at all. If down the road as a student, you require new gear, it can be purchased through the club.
Classes begin again on Monday, September 10th at Spruce Ridge School and Mini’s will begin on Thursday, September 12th.
Please see below for new rates and training dates and times. We run two sessions per year. The first session is from September to January, then we register again for the second session and it goes from February to May.
Program Training Days Time Age Cost/session
Beginner – Intermediate kids Mon/Thurs 6:30 – 7:30 8 – 13 $175
All Adults – Beginner to advanced Mon/Thurs 7:30 – 9:00 14 and up $175
Minis Program Thurs Only 6:00 – 6:30 6 – 7 $60

We look forward to meeting new students and families!

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